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NEWS22 Sep 2023News

EURAXESS-Spain organises a cycle dedicated to the mental health of researchers.

Mental health researcher

EURAXESS-Spain, coordinated by FECYT, is organising three online events aimed to provide researchers with tools to manage their mental health.

The Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology (FECYT) as coordinator of the EURAXESS-Spain network is organising a series of workshops and talks aimed at the mental health of researchers.

The programme of the cycle includes talks on resilience, and a workshop on the supervisor-doctoral student relationship. With this cycle, EURAXESS-Spain aims to contribute to the training of researchers in stress and conflict management, and thus promote healthier research centres and universities.

This training cycle dedicated to the mental health of researchers is part of the ERA Talent project, funded by the European Union, developed, and implemented by the EURAXESS network. The EURAXESS network is an initiative backed by the European Commission to support the international mobility and professional development of researchers. The network has more than 500 members, of which 110 are Spanish centres and universities.

EURAXESS-SPAIN Mental Health Programme.pdf
(212.36 KB - PDF)